Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Where Will I Live Today?

There are times in our lives when we make decisions with the best of information that we have at the time. There is no right or wrong and we take all the info that we have at the time and go from there. Yesterday, I discovered a decision that I made years ago might not have been the best -- at least in the eyes of the world or in light of information that I have now. I wonder...why would God reveal this information to me now? Surely, his intention is not to discourage me. In my own mind, I can think that the purpose of a revelation is for me to be able to do damage control. But I know that God has a higher purpose. God isn't in the business of damage control. He is in the business of directing our lives to achieve an ultimate goal. He wants to sanctify us and make us more like Him.

I find myself at a place today where I need to make a choice. Am I going to give in to worry and fear? That would be my natural bent. Oh, well I recall those days where fear would envelop me like a cloud. Dark, dismal doubting fear. It was the kind of fear that led to me knowing that God was out to get me. It was the confidence that I had failed and the ordeal that I was facing was my punishment for my lack of faithfulness. Why would I want to go back there again? So, what is my other choice? I choose to cling to the Lord and know that this setback in my eyes is no surprise to Him. He is the author of my life and knows what is best for me. He has designed this path perfectly for me and will be faithful to see me through it.

The Rock, his work is perfect,
for all his ways are justice.
A God of faithfulness and without iniquity,
just and upright is he.
Deuteronomy 32:4

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