Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tis the Season?

We're doing daily breathing treatments daily for Isaac. I am thankful that I stocked up on his nebulizer medications recently. We're not sure if it is a cold or pollen (due to unseasonably warm weather). It all goes straight to his chest and the coughing never ends. I am leaning towards allergies. We're chucking the cold medicine tomorrow (since it isn't really helping anyway) and trying our good old buddy Zyrtec.
I am having some very bad "achy" days here lately. I suspect that they will be over soon, but they wear me out a bit. So we rested today. Last night, Ski took the Ski Bums out to a church thing. I stayed home with The Pie. He ended up falling asleep on me while watching "Winnie the Pooh." I kind of got stuck there for a few hours until he roused enough for me to wake him.

The kids and I watched "How Green is my Valley" and I relived some fond memories of childhood. Ah, would have loved it!! It reminded me of St. David's Day and cakes and tea. Sigh.....

1 comment:

Marge said...

I love How Green is My Valley. Such a great movie. They sure don't make them like they used to, do they? BTW, we noticed you weren't at church. Hope you're feeling better today.