Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We all have our dreams.
I know that my mother's dream has always been to visit the Holy Land some day.
Ski dreams of visiting Disney World.
This is the place that I would like to visit.
My brother has been there a few times and I am very envious of him!!!
Wouldn't it be nice to be a well known scientist who is asked to speak around the world all the time? In fact, this is a photo that he took the last time he visited. I wouldn't care at all if I could wake up in a place like this. I am trying to convince him to take me in his suitcase next time.
Isn't it just lovely?!?!?!


Marge said...

Yes, it is! Is it in Italy? My dream is to go to Great Britain and Germany/Austria/Switzerland someday. Maybe after the kids are grown and the mortgage is paid off!

skisgirl said...

It is Tuscany.
But really, anywhere in Italy would be wonderful. Greece is another place I would love to visit -- in particular, Mykonos.