Thursday, August 28, 2008

The egg-celent decision

Well, I think we have come to a firm decision.
We could drive all the way up there and possibly fail the skin test and then have a pointless journey for nothing. We could drive up there, pass the skin test and maybe pass maybe fail the challenge. Or we could just wait a year.

So......we will be shelving egg for now. As his appointment draws closer next year, they will call us and tell us what to bring. We will bring eggy things along and if he passes the skin test, we will challenge.

You know....I sit and wonder....What will egg gain us?
I can't think of much. Besides, I don't like eggs. I don't like the smell of them cooking in my house. And if he passes, we will have to be sure that he eats them fairly regularly. Blech. Then I will have to make sure that I buy eggs, he has eggs for breakfast, I will have to bake with eggs.... I will have to hunt down my cookbook that I lent out because I will actually be able to use it. Ok...maybe I could actually make a loaf of bread for the kid. I don't know.

Well, at least I have a year to think of the possibilities. Eggs just are not that thrilling, you know? Seems like they will cause more problems than opportunities. We'll see.....

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