Thursday, August 14, 2008

Around the dinner table

If any of you know Ski, you will know that his brain works very differently from most people. First of all, he is a musician. And really, at any moment, he will burst into song. He is actually a walking radio of sorts. If it from the 60s through the 80s, he most likely knows it. He knows a massive amount of "one hit wonder" bands and sings lyrics to the most obscure songs. After graduation from college, he lived with a single guy who was exactly like him in this area. The guy was a drummer with a well known 80s band before the band made it big. He also played drums for his night know, like a lounge singer. Beyond music, Ski and Tim were really night and day. But if you spent some time with them together, you could easily see how they were able to get along. They would have entire conversations which entailed large amounts of singing. It really was amazing to witness. Often, they would break into the same song at the same moment. Fascinating!!! They would reference 10 songs average during conversations. Of course, I am the one who knows songs, but I forget the words. Don't ask me if I know a song by the title. You have got to sing it to me. Then, maybe..... I would stand amazed and confused by it. Sometimes, the references would be unknown to me. But other times, like when we were in the attic talking about a chimney of all things and "Ya mo be there" was referenced, I understood. Now that Ski has only me in his life, he lacks that witty musical repartee and we are just left to wonder where that song came from.

So, that little background, which has nothing to do with dinner, brings me to my story. The other night at dinner, my beloved Ski broke into "....All I am saying is give peas a chance." We were not eating peas. We were not talking about peas or peace or war or the 60s or anything else that might explain an outburst like this. So, of course, our oldest son burst into raucous laughter. Yes, he thinks anything is absolutely hilarious. I am rolling my eyes. Ski is full of self satisfaction so takes the opportunity to repeat himself. Once again, my eyes roll around and ds and his younger brother begin the cackling. Then, out of the silent and female end of the table, Boo decides it is time to take a stand.

She said with all the seriousness in the world (because she really is the serious one), "Give BRUSSEL SPROUTS a chance!!"

Ski was incredulous. "What?!?!"

She takes a breath and repeats "Give Brussel Sprouts a chance!!! People won't even try them and they really should because they are REALLY GOOD!!"

So, there you have it. And she wasn't even eating them for dinner that night!! But she did pick the photo for the blog. :)
Eat your brussel sprouts!!!

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