Saturday, August 23, 2008

Summer Movies--NOT Spoiler free

Here's my review/opinion of some of this summer's movies--take it with a grain of salt:

Saw it: twice (once free at the library)
Buy it?: Nah

Most of the casting was pretty good though the real star of this movie was NYC (Times Square, Katz's Deli, Central Park). The best scene was the "How does she know?" musical number (which I have on the ol' iPod). McDreamy is pretty good as are the other main characters EXCEPT the animated chipmunk (dumb, dumb, dumb-oh and obnoxious) and Susan Sarandon, who makes an over-the-top evil queen, but a stupid evil dragon (puh-leez). Oh! And If I ended up falling and sliding down the top of a NYC skyscraper, the last thing I'd be thinking about is "gee, let's sit here and suck face". Stupid. Very stupid. Sorry, I'll pass on this one.

Indy 4 (The crystal skull)
Saw it: once
Buy it?: yes

Ok, in spite of his tree-hugger status, I'm still a big Harrison Ford fan. Even if he's old and gray. He's still "da man". Especially in an action film. While I've only seen this once, (with N) I'd see it again. I like the Indy franchise. (except for Temple of Doom--too much of a gross out) I also like Shia LaBeouf (saw Holes, haven't seen Transformers). I kinda wish he could carry on the Indy stories as they hinted, But "Mutt Williams" doesn't have the same ring to it. Oh, and thanks Mr. Spielburg (and Lucas) for having Mutt cuss unnecessarily in the middle of a scene. Ridiculous. Nevertheless, I like the clue finding elements to the story (similar to the other Indy movies, National Treasure etc.). I like Marion's character maturity in this one.

But can we please stop having these campy vixen villianesses in Indy (and for that matter Bond) films? PLEASE?? Who in Hollywood thinks these characters have any believability at all? And I know it's a Steven Spielburg (ET, Close Encounters, I Robot), but does every story ending need to be about space aliens? I really didn't understand the whole 50's aliens/cold war storyline until after thinking about the movie as a whole. Indy shouldn't really try and slip into the sci-fi realm--kind of an awkward fit.

I didn't buy the whole, Ox: "Gee, I used to love Marion until I lost my mind, but now that Indy's here, Whoopee! You kids go and get married and I'll applaud at the ceremony". Huh? Did I miss something? Probably.

Oh, and after growing up the 70's and hearing how deadly it was to be trapped in a fridge, I had to chuckle at Indy surviving a nuclear blast by hiding in one. Yeah...riiight. Nonetheless, I'd buy the DVD. They haven't "jumped the shark" yet.

Prince Caspian
Saw it: 4(?) times
Buy the DVD?: YES

I'm a lazy reader so I haven't read the book. But I thoroughly enjoyed the film. C.S. Lewis is an amazing story teller. I understand some people objecting to the romance between Susan and Caspian, since I'm sure Lewis, in the 40's, didn't write such fluff--at least not as embellished. But it was fine for what it was --if you needed to add some kind of "contemporary" story arc.

I really enjoyed the characters, especially General Glozell. I liked how the story illustrated (at least to me) our daily battles with sin (Peter and King Miraz) that we endure--trusting in the final deliverance from a higher power. Pretty cool. Can't wait to see the next in the series. I also felt it was important that Disney knew via ticket sales that this is the type of movies people WANT to see. It's still in the dollar theater and L hasn't seen it so I may go again, since it's been a while.

"You were right to fear the woods. X"

Saw it: 2 times
Buy the DVD?: YES

Pixar does it again. Great movie. Even B said it was well-made. Wall-e's character doesn't become annoying (though Fred Willard does). I like the main characters (Wall-e, the roach, Eve, MO, The Captain, John and Mary). The Auto Pilot character/HAL 9000 comparison felt a bit forced, as did the "save the earth" message. I did, however, like the story aspect of showing the affects of rampant materialism. An interesting and ironic thing to say in a Disney movie.

I agree with those who thought the (robot kiss) ending was a wrong choice. I think having Wall-e revert back to his original state after helping other characters "break out" would've been a more poignant story line. But Disney opted for a "happily ever after" ending (probably to sell more Wall-e toys). I think it worked. While I'm not ready to say it's the "BEST EVER" Disney or Pixar movie (though I think it should get some sort of Oscar nomination), I'd buy the DVD (and probably a few toys at some point)

Mama Mia
Saw it: once
Buy the DVD?: Not at full price

I know I'm not the target audience for this movie since I'm male, not a huge ABBA/musical fan, and not a baby boomer, but B and I saw this on a recent date nite and it was a lot of fun. Greece is ruggedly beautiful and colorful (the movie lighting enhanced it very well) The scenery alone was worth the price of admission. Meryl Streep is much more talented than I had previously thought. I liked the other main characters/actors too, except for Christine Baranski as Tanya. I know she was supposed to be outrageous and flirty but I often found her creepy. Oh, and I can even stomach 007 singing but PLEASE keep the shirt on!! (yeech!! More like "triple-o seven")

Go see it, but don't buy the DVD new. I went home afterwards, got out our only ABBA CD and added two cuts to my iPod.

I'm waiting for pay day so I can go see The Clone Wars--the jury's still out for me on that one.

1 comment:

skisgirl said...

I just need clarify.....
Enchanted was lame, lame, lame!!! This film was made for 12yo girls. Syrupy sweet blech!!

Wall-e -- I said it was well made. I still didn't like it, really.

Prince Caspian. ok

Mamma Mia -- I laughed and laughed. No tears so it wasn't THAT great. It is over the top so I did not take it seriously. Just a silly, stupid film. Shirtless Brosnan was yucky, but his singing was too funny. If it hadn't have been over the top funny, it would have been bad, bad, bad!