Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Love Free Stuff!!!

I just love free stuff!!
I get free stuff all the time. I get mail for stuff for my teens like feminine products and acne things. I tell companies that I love their products and they send me coupons. One company even told me to write again and they would send me more!! Even when I tell a company about how displeased I am they send me coupons. I don't know why!!

Well, my kids ran out of milk again today.
I am seriously considering buying a cow!!
There are only 6 of us that use cow milk, but oh my!!!! We go through it like water!!! And seriously, we just bought milk two days ago!! Today I just happened to get a coupon for a free item from Organic Valley. So, I bought a gallon outrageously expensive organic milk for my kiddos' habit -- and it was free!! If we hadn't been out of milk, I might have saved it for some meat since the limit on it was $10. I was surprised that the lady didn't say anything. Once I brought a coupon in for some free POM and they about had a canary because that stuff is $$$. It had no price limit so I got the biggest one that I could find. :) I didn't like it much, though...

Drink up!!

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