Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Birthday IZ

Well, IZ is now six. Boy I'm getting old! I remember being six--I got a red two-wheeled bike (with a white banana seat) and we moved shortly after that to "dairy country" in NJ where I would live most of my preteen years in the mid to late 70's. I hope some day to utter those awful words to my grandkids "I remember when I was six...back in my day..." while the poor kid's eyes start to glaze over.

A few months ago, we'd go to Walmart or Target and IZ, who had rounded out his Pirates of the Caribbean figure collection withChristmas gift $ in January, would tell me he now wanted a Buzz. Now I assumed he wasn't talking about Starbucks, Mt. Dew (or worse) but instead had found one of my boxes of toys in the closet and had seen/played with the talking Buzz Lightyear I have. The skibums like to push all the "try me" buttons in the toy section, and IZ especially likes the noisy playthings.

However, after searching around in several stores, I discovered the current version of a talking Buzz was, well, kinda lame. They've added some LED "laser" lights but most of the buttons on his chest (which used to say different phrases) are now just dummy buttons that do nothing. I could picture IZ pushing them in vain frustration. The clincher, however, was hearing B say, "please don't get him a Buzz Lightyear, I hate him."

So, after combing through a few more stores, I hit the Wiggles jackpot with a guitar that plays their songs, CDs, a DVD and more. IZ loved the gifts--and the cake as you can see. Sorry, Buzz.

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