Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Price of.......

On Friday, I was on one of my favorite message boards.
Inevitably, the discussion turned to the price of gas. I don't know if this happened where you live, but on Friday, people were lining up at gas stations for gas. So here I was reading many posts about gas and lines and the prices.

And once in awhile, I would go to the live feed from a Houston news station on the hurricane. I was close to tears a number of times just thinking and watching the whole thing. It did not help that I had read a book once long ago about Isaac Cline, a meteorologist who tried to warn people about the Great Storm in 1900. He knew it was going to be bad, but no one seemed to listen. So many people died in that storm -- including Cline's wife. The rebuilding of Galveston was just fascinating, though.

Do you know what I couldn't stop thinking?!?!?! While everyone is complaining about the price of gas, there are thousands of people who don't know if they will have a home (or a job) to return to. It is a small inconvenience when you think about it that way. I was relieved that Hanna bypassed us. I have heard many stories about when Hugo came through here. I didn't want to experience that. I would hate to have to leave my home not knowing if it would be there when I returned.

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