Friday, January 11, 2008

Which Way Am I Goin'?!?!?!

Anyone who know me, knows that I despise the interstate.
If there is a way to get somewhere by bypassing the highway, that is the way I go. To add to this fact, I know about a zillion ways to get to one place and can never make up my mind which way to go.
Not too long ago, I found another way home from a store I frequent. I was driving along happy as a clam. I was on an adventure to find a new way home. I was pleased with myself and thinking....WOW!!!...Where will I end up? Pretty soon, the ordinary street I was on began looking like a highway. Suddenly I went into a panic! I began thinking that it was about 5pm and I certainly did NOT want to be on the highway going the wrong direction (or even the right one for that matter) in rush hour traffic. I was getting clammy and trying to plan my way out of what was sure to be a mess. But around another turn, I found there was no highway at the other end. I once again found myself in familiar territory and was happily driving once again. The next time I was in that area, I fel the same panic as I tried the as yet unfamiliar route. And once again, I found myself at peace when I rounded that curve. I was on that road again today. No panic or freaking out. There was a moment or hesitation, but as I rode around the curve, I found it was all ok. And God gave me a glimpse of himself in that moment.....

How like life that road is. Sometimes, God leads us down these roads and we are SURE it is the wrong way. We are so busy thinking about what it looks like around us that we aren't thinking about God's plan at all. We start thinking our way out of the mess that we think is there. In fact, sometimes we are so busy panicking that we miss something truly wonderful. The trip can be alot more fun if we just take a chill and experience ALL that God has for us to experience. The hard and the easy --- the joys and the trials. We need to keep in mind that our job is not to plan the course, but only to follow it.

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