Thursday, January 17, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside

Target is the BEST pharmacy! They're friendly, fast and smart.

So I go to pick up a prescription for B tonight and I figured I'd look for a backup pair of gloves. We got a teeny amount of snow today and have a 90% chance of snow on Saturday. Anyway, after buying the meds, and scoping out the toys (they have some cool Star Wars ships on clearance but I resisted), I looked in the men's department for gloves. No such luck. No heavy coats, no gloves. But guess what they're stocking up on January....swimming trunks!!


skisgirl said...

I love your pic!!!
Very cooooool!!!

Robin said...

some beach!!!! we love Target pharmacy too! they know me by name almost....some of them ask who are you picking up for you or your parents!

AND, the Target over here had their racks of swimsuits out 2 days after Christmas! AMAZING! I don't think anyone is looking for swimsuits today!