Friday, January 11, 2008

12 Most Important Things

My wife is a much better writer than I am. (=

What are the ten most important things in your life? I came up with this list about 4(?) years ago and it still gives a pretty accurate picture of what's swimming around in my head and what my heart is passionate about. (some of it I may not be very proud about but it's true). Some of my future blogs will include rants, raves and ponderings about the items below for certain.

In order, here's my Top 12 Most Important Things:

1) God -- Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Scripture, prayer etc.
2) Becky
3) My kids
4) CWCC / SGM (with the Sweigart Care group members at the top of the heap)
5) my non-church family and friends
6) music (much more about this in future blogs)
7) Star Wars
8) Disney
9) work (BofA rocks!)
10) food (incl. sweets, Starbucks, and food allergies--a top cause of mine)
11) sports (I run, but watch more than I participate in)
12) the USA

That's my list! What's yours? Send a comment!

Speaking of Disney, here's a favorite video of mine as a reward for reading my ramblings:

1 comment:

skisgirl said...

Well.....Not sure what I think about that. Work is kind of down there on your list. Do ya really like it there?