Monday, January 14, 2008

THIS is art...

I know where my wife is coming from. When it comes to art, she likes the feel and smell of the paint on canvas (or the floor, or on your hands). Art has a taste of the experiencial in it. Involving the senses keeps the mind focused on whatever the artist is drawing your attention to. Computer art doesn't do it for her. I can watch those crazy Animusic videos and be amazed at the imagination and computer skill involved. "Yeech!" would be her reaction.

Here's a video from Dan Dunn. It's similar to the Mona Lisa video with speedy visuals (though it's in real time) and loud music being part of the presentation. But the medium is far less sophisticated. Does that make it art? It's a piece from the artist's imagination. Does THAT make it art? Would B like it? Probably. I like both. Maybe someone wouldn't like either.

God made some pretty amazing things. People, our opinions, minds that can imagine or appreciate art. Fingers that can hold a brush or build a computer. Eyes that see color, shape.

We can even come up with dumb cliches like "I don't know about art, but I know what I like".

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