Thursday, February 5, 2009

A, B or C?

If I had my choice...I'd pick:

1) Duke or Carolina...Duke, due to IZ's AWESOME allergist, Dr, Wesley Burks, who works there. (though I like Florida State better)

2) Regular or decaf...Hi-test all the way baby

3) Yankees or Mets...Yankees (Andy Pettitte is my hero)

4)Burger King or McDonald's...Wendy's

5) Ford or Chevy...Chevy, though I own both right now, and my NASCAR driver drives a Toyota (#55)

5) Red sauce or White sauce...white sauce--mmm cheese

6) Coke or Pepsi...Pepsi, though Dew and Sunkist are my faves.

7) Star Wars or Star Trek...Star Wars (at least until Harrison Ford has a guest appearance in a Star Trek movie)

8) Beatles or Stones...Stones, though I have more Beatles on my iPod (McCartney is just too dang talented)

9) XBox or Play station...Wii

10) Democrat or Republican...Republican (or whoever is currently most fiscally conservative--call it a push)

11) Universal or Disney...gotta go with the Mouse, but I'm glad Universal is getting the Blue Man Group--nice move

12) Starbucks or any other inferior coffee brand...Duh

13) Walmart or Target...Tar-zhay

14) East coast or West coast...East coast, but I'm willing to learn.

15) North or South...the South--much warmer (=

16) Japanese food or Chinese food...Chinese, esp gooey sesame or orange chicken

17) Nike or Rebok...just do it

18) C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien...a SLIGHT edge to Lewis (hey did you hear 20th Century Fox is picking up the Narnia movie franchise? YAY!!!!)

19) Boxers or briefs...boxers (I know, too much information)

20) Lowes or Home Depot...Lowes (I converted three years ago)

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