Friday, February 27, 2009

That's What I Like!!!

Growing up in the North, I learned to love ice hockey.
It all began in jr. high when my best friend introduced me to the Flyers. This team became the only Philadelphia sports team that I have ever liked. I will admit to a special preference for Mike Schmidt, but other than that, I disliked the Sixers, Phillies, and the Eagles. I am not even going to mention the Pittsburgh teams....although Mario Lemieux was awesome. My friends father happened to be an avid hockey fan who shared his zeal for the sport with his children despite the fact that they were three daughters. They went to many home games even though we lived hours away from Philadelphia. I grew to love the sport.

When we moved to a different town, my youth group would go to occasional games at the Hershey arena. While they were not the Flyers by a longshot (or my love to hate them Blackhawks), the Bears filled my hockey quota. I sadly took for granted the hockey life up north. I never dreamed that there would come a day when hockey on tv would be hard to come by.

Hockey on tv is the one sport that I can get into. I can be in a room by myself and be screaming at the tv. The only other tv sport this happens with is when the Yanks are in the World Series and then I get so tied up in knots that I just don't watch. But hockey....I love the physical action of it all. Those guys skate better than any figure skater and play sports at the same time. It is just awesome. I am probably the only girl who ever thought that if she were a guy, she would want to be a pro hockey player. While I could never roller skate, I used to love ice skating and the one sport I might have participated in high school was field hockey. Put the two together and it is a match made in heaven. I sadly missed the Stanley Cup when it came to town. I wish I would have gone. I would have kissed it! I know that sounds weird, but that is what you do.

So I was absolutely delighted when Ski decided to take us to see the Carolina Hurricanes in Raleigh. It was my first NHL hockey game and since it was family night, the tickets were a good price. I was not disappointed!! The game was so totally awesome!! There were fights, penalties, power plays, and great scoring moments. The only down side was looking at all the people there that I am sure had season tickets and went to every home game. I was green with envy....

There is so much more to our trip, but I will make you wait for now to hear about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The game was AWESOME!!!!!!!