Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Work It, baby!!

Ok...Here is a piece of advice.
If you are ever injured and you have the chance to have physical therapy, go for it.
I was hesitant to do it, but Ski thought that it would be a good idea for me to take advantage of therapy. It is very motivating and I think I have progressed faster than if I tried doing these things on my own.

I had my second visit today to therapy. It is both very challenging and helpful. I feel like I am making some progress. Yeah!! My first visit wasn't too bad, but today was a true workout. I was so worn out afterward, and I wasn't sure if I could make it home or not. But the last thing we did refreshed me so I felt ready to go home. Our final activity is my very favorite. The therapist places electrodes on either side of my ankle and then wraps it in an ice pack. She then sends electrical impulses through my leg. It is supposed to be uncomfortable, but not painful. It is a peculiar sensation and sounds really odd. But strangely enough, it is relaxing and refreshing.

The strangest thing about the sessions is being in this room with all of these people doing exercises. We all have various injuries and we need to do different things to regain our strength. It is kind of fascinating. Someone called it a modern torture room. Ha, ha, ha!! It is not so bad. I did come home exhausted and took a nice nap, but I would say it was far from torture. However, I wasn't so sure earlier today when my therapist asked me to ride a bike for 8 minutes!!!

Being at therapy has also given me compassion for those around me who earn their living by hands on work. The great thing is that both the dr and the therapy staff also seem to have great compassion for these people as well. It is very cool to witness!!

I was so tired after my session today that I totally lost my therapy band that they gave me. Now I need to call tomorrow and see if they will give me another one. I hope they won't be too mad at me. I have searched all over my van and it is nowhere. I was sure I put it somewhere, but I can't find it. I can't do my new exercises without the band.

1 comment:

The Brown Family said...

Yeah I found you!! I look forward to keeping up with what's going on in the Godleski family :). May the Lord bless you sweetly today!