Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Just yesterday I decided to clean out one of my cabinets.
In there, I had a plastic container holding once precious sweet potato pancake mix. This stuff is normally pretty awesome. If it is pumpkin or sweet potato, I am gonna love it. So, I decided that I was going to make myself some pancakes for brunch. I went online to find directions (since I had thrown them out long ago. It didn't take me long and soon I was cooking away in the kitchen. After they were nicely browned, I layered some applesauce on top. Boy, did they look good!! I went and sat down and decided to call my sweetie and see how his day was. I took one bite and...Oh!!!!!....My!!!!!..... My children began laughing at me because I made the most awful face. Those were the worst pancakes I had ever eaten. Blech!! I handed my plate to one of the SkiBums and asked her to throw it all away.

What ensued was a battle for the pancakes. You see, if mom doesn't want to finish something, I usually offer it up to a Skibum. My general thought is why let food go to waste? If I wasn't so nice, I would have let them have it. After all, they were arguing over who would get it. I told them it was BAAAAADDDD and they did NOT want them. I don't think that they believed me. I should have let them have it. I could have had a good laugh out of watching thier faces turn from delight to horror. But no, I insisted that they were STALE (yes, readers....pancake mix does get stale) and tasted BAD. Needless to say, the rest of that mix hit the trash as soon as I was off the phone!!

Needless to say, this morning when my daughter asked if I wanted any pancakes, my answer was a clear and decisive NO!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hah! Funny! Yeah, you should've let them taste it! I had flour go stale once. When it goes on sale, I always buy a lot. I used to just keep it on the shelf. But ever since I had some go bad, I keep it in the freezer.