Monday, May 18, 2009

My kids are CRAZY!!!

I went to a home school used book sale this afternoon that was a few towns away. It was pretty much a bust, but that's ok. Five of my dc went with me and we had lunch in the town park.

On the way home, I ran some errands. I stopped by a plant store that was really cool. They were sooooo nice there. Then I picked up a few groceries here and there. Between the long trip, a busy weekend and the fact I took zyrtec, I was extremely tired by the time I got to Walmart. All I wanted was something fast for dinner and something to wake me up. But, as we always say, Super Walmart sucks you in and never spits you out. It was not a good shopping trip. My kids were worn out and were wearing me out along with them. After awhile, they started to play a game. They followed single file. If I asked a question, apparently, they were to give an incorrect answer. If I said anything, they were to repeat it. If I asked someone to get something, they then went to the back of the line. At one point, I asked how someone got sent to the end of the line and they told me the rules. Si and Lyd would keep stepping on my sandals so I asked them to get things. Ha, ha, ha!! Another thing that they would do was to sway back and forth while they walked behind me and they sang "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." I don't know why. It was peculiar. And wow did we get some bizarre looks from people!! But at least they weren't bickering and complaining. :D

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