Monday, May 11, 2009

Man Beats Toilet in Ten Rounds

**Fade in background music, "We Are The Champions" by Queen....."

It took 4 days, 10 trips to Lowes, (plus one to Walmart and Home Depot)....

...two assistants (B & NateGeo to help "line things up" and keep me from my "paralysis of analysis" tendencies by answering nagging questions in the back of my mind during the process)...

a new mini hacksaw and caulk gun plus misc. plumbing supplies.

But aggravation, from starting the process over three times, and gas, plus Starbucks $$ aside, I think I saved the $97 I would've been charged from a plumber install it.

Yes folks, I've successfully installed a toilet!!! This project kicked my butt two times, but the sweetest thing B said to me afterwards was she admired my perseverance in that I WANTED to try just ONE MORE TIME (though I was ready to call in my friends to rescue the project if I messed it up this last time--three strikes and I was ready to be out!!)

SO please pardon my posting a picture of my new commode on our blog (hope none of you are eating). All tests seem to indicate this was a sucessful install. We're still letting all the sealant dry for at least 24 hours before anyone will be given permission to use it.

(But seriously folks ---God is gracious to me, a man of unclean lips. To Him I give credit, thanks, and glory for His everyday grace shown to me, as I bring absolutely NOTHING to the table on projects like this!!!)

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