Friday, October 24, 2008

The Cause Near and Dear to our Hearts

I don't know if you have all seen this video, but some of you have asked me if I have.
So here is the latest news story regarding Iz's allergist and the wonderful research that they are doing up there.

We are all planning on walking for food allergies. All proceeds go to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxsis Network. They are working towards finding a cure for life threatening food allergies, support, education, and advocacy for those who suffer from life threatening allergies and those who care for them. If you would like to sponsor us, please go to our walk website. Even if the walk date has passed, you can still donate!! I know that times are tough, but this is one of the only times when we will ever ask for money. If you don't want to donate to FAAN, please consider a donation to a wonderful support group for parents of allergic children, KWFA. Both of these groups, FAAN and KWFA, are non-profit. All of the volunteers on KWFA are moms(and dads) just like us. KWFA is right there on the front line of support for the every day parents who need an ear, some guidance, or just a great recipe.

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