Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sweet Memories

I am truly a sentimentalist.
I don't deny it.
I think I even posted about this before. :)
Yesterday, my oldest dd was reading to the youngest. It was sweet. Book after book.
Then she pulled down my "Uncle Arthur" book. I am blessed to have a five volume newer Bedtime Story set that years ago my wonderful Ski bought for me. I would love to have the 20 volume set that I grew up with, but they are far beyond our price range. The Skibums have loved these books and read many of the stories growing up. I, myself, have fond memories of reading and listening to them at my grandmother's house. So, yesterday, Hannah pulls down a book and proceeds to read to Boo. Iz looked at me once the story was finished and I had tears streaming down my face. He said in a concerned tone, "Mama's crying!!" My dear sensible Hannah, who knows me well, puts up with my abundance of gushiness, and knows that she had just finished my favorite story from the set, said, "That's Ok. She can cry!!"
Thanks, babe!!!

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