Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fun for Iz and a Creative Girl

Here is IZ finger painting "B's"

He is not too into the tactile messy hands kind of thing! Do you see that face? It has eeew written all over it! But he did have enough fun that we also made a blue "fish" pic. It doesn't look much like a fish, but that's ok.

Later, I asked Curly if she would help me with an activity. I was supposed to imitate animals and have Iz do the same. I thought it would be fun for the kids to do this together. She led them in this and was soooo good at it. They imitated animals for about 30 minutes!! I NEVER would have thought of these ideas. Even the sounds were creative! My favorite was koalas. It was so cute!! My 13yo and youngest each held onto either side of a tree like koalas. Then, they got off and crawled "to the ark," She also paired them off two by two -- male and female.

Here is dd (bottom left) and her siblings being two octopus. The lower children would crawl while the upper ones walked. Notice, they have 8 legs (including all arms and legs):

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