Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A look inside

**Behind the scenes at BnSki**

Turns out B and I were posting (450 mi away from each other) at exactly the same time last night. That's typical for us. I hit Publish and I looked and there were two posts, with exactly the same post time (8:36pm). After reading hers, I HAD to change the date on mine to de-emphasize it. As usual, B's post (even though self deprecated in her comment) was poetic, profound and very well written. It's like she's able to concisely describe the types of things that are always in my head, but I seldom talk about. I've been fortunate to visit three of her parent's homes and she captures the essence of them beautifully in a way that brings so many similar experiences of my own life to mind.

While she's been up north dealing with emotional, sentimental, often difficult but extremely important, once-in-a-lifetime things, my days have consisted of the "every day" of life that she handles so much of in our home. Dishes, meals, the dog, laundry, sweeping, getting 6 ski-bums where they need to be on time, groceries, pharmacies, and trying to remember to meet with God, laugh with my kids and do or speak something affectionate to my beautiful spouse that I miss so much. Oh, and that doesn't even count things like school, attitudes, yard maintenance, alleriges or extra-curricular activities.

As I read her beautiful prose and consider the typical nature of my "gee whiz, looky here" posts, I am SO THANKFUL for all the beautiful things God gives me through my sweet B--and all the hard work and sacrifice she does for our family. It's my privilege to honor her here, publicly, and to release her to do whatever God calls her to do outside of our home.

I miss you honey. I'm glad you're coming home soon. I'm SO grateful for you.

So until I kiss your smiling face again...1,2,3.

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