Friday, July 3, 2009

WHERE On Earth Did June Go?!?!

Hey, I bet you thought that we were swallowed by our dog!!
We're still here. Out doggie does try to eat everything she sees, but so far, we are still here.

Not much is going on. No, I mean REALLY!!!

My garden is not doing too well. While I have about a gallon of roma tomatoes on my counter praying I will turn them into some sauce, my plants are in sad shape. I can't figure out whether it is fungus, bugs, or what. I bought some neems last week and I hope to salvage as many as I can. Two of my tomato plants are beyond hope. Out of 6 zucchini plants, I have a grand total of ONE zucchini. I do have lots of cucumbers, but I think that they are all pickling so I guess I'll have to pickle them. I have some beans, but they aren't producing well. I will never try beans again. LOL. I have two peppers working on growing. I do have watermelons the size of marbles.

The doggie is getting fatter. The vet keeps telling us to feed her more. She loves us tremendously. I had to place a frantic call to the vet when she ate a prune that dropped to the floor due to an expression of sweet brotherly love. Prunes are fine even though if you look online you will find them placed with raisins and grapes which are toxic to dogs. She also seems to have a great fondness for gluten free bread. This she snatched from her first try at counter surfing. She doesn't like angry dogs barking on tv.

The older skibums are reading Greek and Roman classics through the summer. Nat, of course, is thoroughly disgusted. Iz is working on reading, although the last two weeks were somehow lost on me.

1 comment:

Nathaniel G. said...

Yep that's me all right. =/

Greek and Roman classics = ZZZZ...BORING!!!!