Thursday, June 2, 2011

Natty and the Japanese Dinner

We had a meeting tonight and I haven't had a moment to breathe let alone get grocery shopping done. We have nothing quick in the house for all 8 of us. Christelle was staying home with the younger three so they had some food to fix. So Ski, Natty, Hannah and I grabbed dinner out.

We stopped at a favorite date night haunt. It is a Japanese place. Hannah and Natty both decided to try the sushi. Natty tried to decide between two and I encouraged him to try the non-spicy roll and maybe try a spicy one another time. When the girl brought the order, he got a little excited. He asked the girl if she was Japanese. He's been learning Japanese on his own and wants to try it out on someone. Turns out both girls are Laotian and no on in the place is actually Japanese. He was a little disappointed. But later, he took to attempting to read the plates.

Just after we started eating, Natty picked up the blob of wasabi that was sitting on his rolls and popped it in his mouth. David was about to say something, but it all happened to fast. When I looked up, Nathaniel was making all kinds of funny faces.

I said, "Eat some rice!"

Being Nathaniel and somewhat deliberate, he poked around the rice with his chopsticks.

I said, "Grab a fork!!!" As he is ripping the silverware package open, I realized he wasn't opening his mouth.

I said, "Did you swallow it?"
He shook his head.
"Well then SPIT IT OUT!!!!"
Apparently, he was going to just eat it and swallow it so as not to disgust the rest of us by spitting it out.

Finally he had got it out and ate some rice and took a drink. It was seriously a repeat of his Chemistry class when he got a chemical burn and wondered what he should do.....while his hand BURNED!!! At least he keeps us in stitches.

Next time, I think he can try the spicy roll. It can't be worse than a mouthful of wasabi!!

1 comment:

Winnie and JR said...

Keeps you in stitches? Your lucky Natty isn't the one being kept in stitches. Wow! The first thing we did when we took the kids for Chinese & Sushi was tell them "just cause it's green, doesn't mean it's guacamole..." Hope he's doing better!