Saturday, April 18, 2009

Yes....Spring has Sprung

It is so beautiful right now. I thought I would post a little blurb since Ski did recently.

The birds are going nuts. We actually had a nest in our bathroom vent, but the babies have flown and we now have cages over our outside vents. I would have taken photos, but there wasn't much to see. We also found remains of two robin eggs in the back yard. The kids thought that these were cool.

We are enlarging the garden, but I don't have it started yet. I need to get some humus and then we can work on it. I have been to our Lowes twice and they didn't have any either time.

My Clematis that my mother-in-law gave to me surprises me every year. It dies back every year and, every year, comes back bigger. I have given up trying to train it up my mailbox without spending money so I bought a pretty, but inexpensive, trellis to get it halfway up. Hopefully I can get it the rest of the way up from there. I will try to remember to take photos when it blooms.

I am thinking about two gardening projects, but am also trying to figure out the cheapest way possible to do them both. So if anyone who is out there reading this has great frugal gardening tips, please share them with me!!

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