Thursday, April 16, 2009

I ain't no pansy (but I like 'em)

Spring used to be my favorite season growing up. We lived for 7 years in the dairy country of NJ (yes it's not all toxic waste dumps--sheesh!). Our next door neighbor had a landscaping company so his property was AMAZING and fun to sneak around in. Down the street there was pond and woods everywhere with streams and creeks flowing through them. You could tell when spring was in the the air because everything started turning green and you could smell the wet earth. There were amazing creatures like frogs, crayfish, water striders and minnows in the water and every rock seem to have a cricket, worm or salamander under it.

My mom grew up on a (veggie) farm and her side of the family knows more about plants, flowers and trees than I'll ever learn. My sweet B loves gardening and I just can't help buying her a little plant or flower when we go to Lowes. We're slowly transforming our yard to be more garden-based and I love sitting outside looking at all the flowers and watching the birds for a few minutes rest after my runs. (BTW, did you notice my Nike Me dude is finally happy with me again? I stopped running for three weeks after my surgery in January and he gave me grief for a LONG time after. I'm thinking of running in a 5k in the beginning of May--we'll see).

Anyway, for those of you who AREN'T experiencing weeks of beautiful sunny 70 degree weather (deep breath........aaaaahhhhhh), here are some pics of some of the flowers we had around Easter (crocus--my favorite, and tulips B planted, and african daisies, and pansies I bought)


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shots, Dave!

Christelle said...

I luv flowers!!!
Btw nice pics!