One thing that is really cool about the internet is that you get to meet people from all over. If you join any kind of message board or email loop, you will soon feel like you know people. I know that a lot of people think this is a bad thing. But I have not experienced that. I am on a number of email loops and message boards. Most of the ones that I post to, I have been a part of for quite a while. I have met people who live both near and far. I have learned about all kinds of people's lives. I have been challenged to look deeper and to see other perspectives. I have found support when there was none around me. Particularly, when I have struggled with medical issues in my children. I have found people struggling with the same thing when I did not have that luxury in the people around me. I have met all kinds of people. Those like me and those not. Those who are generous and giving and those who are in need. Right now I have a person of great need in mind and I'd like to ask a favor of you.
I have added a prayer list to the right, though it is not up to date at the moment. On that list is yet another woman who I met via the internet. I have never met her IRL, but have learned to know her through her posts. In a rather sudden and whirlwind-like chain of events, my friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer. It is very aggressive and it will be a difficult road ahead. She is a mother of 7 who homeschools and a wife of a pastor. She is a very gifted woman and I have always enjoyed her posts. Please pray for her and her family. They really need comfort and peace. God is really moving in her life through this, but she still needs great prayer. Please take a moment to pray for my friend!!
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