Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'll stick to Tastycakes, thanks

Now that I have a few days off, I have a bunch of ideas swimming around in my head for the blog. So here's the first one. (it's short)

I read an article recently about chalk.
(yes, that's right, chalk).

The skibums (esp. the youngest two) love sidewalk chalk specifically.

Did you know....

-that "school chalk" is made of a kajillion tiny little microscopic marine organisms? (So draw a fish on a chalkboard)

-that sidewalk chalk is made from evaporating a mineral (gypsum) from seawater?

-and (my favorite) that gypsum is also used as the white filling in drywall.....and as a dough conditioner in Twinkies!!! (yech!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought Twinkies had a slightly chalky taste. Butterscotch Krimpets Rule!