Thursday, March 20, 2008

The grass is riz

In honor of the new season (and at the request of family to "send up some spring") here are some pics of this year's crop of my favorite flower, the crocus.

I'm not sure why it's my favorite. I think growing up in the dairyland of northern NJ, seeing the crocus (and robins) meant we were close to Easter, with biking to sunrise service on the side of a hill while Easter baskets with candy and Legos were waiting at home. Soon the frozen creeks and woods would be green and wet again and full of life to catch and explore (salamanders, frogs, minnows, crickets etc.)

We planted crocuses by our front walk a few years ago and this year, with our weird fluctuating weather, we got a round of white for a week, then a round of yellow, then a round of purple.

The change of seasons and the Easter story shows me, again, of God's faithfulness to me, a sinner. How amazing and wonderful, too, is the grace-filled beauty of His creation. Every new season, we get fresh examples of it again. Incredible.

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