Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Probably my most obnoxious Christmas tune this year

This is one of those weeks where I have a bunch of things to post about. Stay tuned.

For now, let's talk Christmas music. I'm one who can listen to Christmas music year round-much to the chagrin of my family. I've gotten a little better with my iPod since I can classify any tune with a genre of "holiday" and filter them out of my Nano manually.

Still, there are some holiday songs that have a permanent place in my device, year round. Most are from movies. They include:

"Snow" from White Christmas
"What's This?" from the Nightmare Before Christmas
"Polar Express", "Hot Chocolate" and "Rockin all over the world" from the Polar Express
"Skating" from the Charlie Brown Christmas special and
"Wizards in Winter" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra
"Hope has come" off the Sovereign Grace "Savior" CD
Oh, and my favorite, "The Chipmunk Song" by the Lost Dogs. If you listen closely, Mike Roe is hilarious as "Alvin".

Each year I try and add something to my holiday music collection. If you've ever rode with us in the van, you've no doubt experienced my wife rolling her eyes and sighing under her breath or my kids saying "ooh, I HATE this song!" (Which only makes me smile and turn up the volume slightly). This year I think I've found a song that borders on being too obnoxious even for me (yet part of me still likes it).

Someone on the web has "composed" Christmas songs in the style of a Nintendo NES video game system. He's half way done with the album (called 8 Bit Jesus) and you can listen or download it for free. I listened to all of it and can pretty much stand only the first song, a version of We Three Kings. Of course I stink at video games (even B can blow me away) so I don't really have any fond memories of the games these tunes were styled after.

Enjoy (and pray for my poor wife during this season--not only for her leg).


Steve said...

Good Stuff, that 8 Bit Jesus, Dave. I'll be downloading it for sure.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh....You all are sick!!!!
