Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Victoria Falls

On my way home from our weekly co-op today, I stopped by Aldi. While in the store, my daughter admired a cucumber. She hinted at my purchasing it. In years past, I would have jumped at the opportunity. I used to be a big fan of cucumbers. But recently, as my latex sensitivity has increased, my love for bananas and cucumbers has waned. I don't relish oral itching so I brushed off her interest and walked on past. Headed on down the aisle, I picked up a few other things. Another child with me suddenly asked, "Where's Lyd?" Turning, I noticed her still with the cucumbers. I rolled my eyes and proceeded onward. Moments later, she came running to me exclaiming....

"Mommy!!! I have enough money I can buy a cucumber!!!" She then proceeded to rant and rave and literally jumping for joy over said cucumber. I looked at her and smiled and said, "Dear...if you want it that much, I will buy it for you."

A lady nearby said to me, "I have NEVER seen a child get sooooo excited about vegetables!!" Obviously, she didn't know my kids. They're kind of crackers!!

I told you this little story because as I sit here thinking of the events of my day, I feel the same incredible enthusiasm over my own children as my daughter felt over this silly cucumber. Especially as I watch my three oldest teens navigate the challenges of young adulthood. Life is hard. It is fraught with many twists and turns. There are great things. There are things that seem.....not so great. There are easy days. And there are not so easy days. It can easily become overwhelming to a young adult. And as I watch my three walk there way through these days, I am both amazed and excited about what God is doing!!

I think the biggest thing we have tried to impart to our kids is how to walk in faith. It is so hard when they are faced with a multitude of voices.....many of them good intentioned, but often not loving nor encouraging. Listening to the voice of God while He is teaching you lessons of the heart is difficult enough without the never ending distractions. I've watched my children learn that while there is wisdom in many counselors, seeking input from many who don't know your life is not always wise. I've also seen them learn great patience while many around them criticize the path God has led them on. And I've seen them willingly sacrifice repeatedly material riches for gaining deeper riches from God. Oh, the tears we have shared together. Oh the frustration we have known. And OH!!! The amazing growth that has happened!!!

And I have seen them learn that God's plan is better than our own, God doesn't make mistakes, God meets us where we are, and what I do today is of crucial importance in the eyes of God. I have seen them exude joy and take on challenges that I didn't expect. And to seize the possibilities and opportunities that God has given them moment by moment.

I told someone not long ago how difficult this time was and how I wished for diapers and chasing toddlers instead. But I think I have changed my mind. And has nothing to do with all of the naughty things my kids have confessed doing all of those years ago. ;) I have truly loved learning how wonderful these three people are who live in my house. Despite the sometimes seemingly never-ending parade of heartache, troubles, discouraged hearts, and fear, there has also followed a sweet friendship and a love returned that builds me up and encourages me.

Just as I am not despairing over their lives, God is not wringing his hands over their lives. I am encouraged and find more faith for my own life as we walk through these days together. I hold these days in my hands and am truly amazed!!

And I think God does, too!